A Unique Journey For Design Lovers

Embark on an exclusive journey designed specifically for interior designers and architecture enthusiasts. Morocco, with its vibrant culture and stunning architectural heritage, offers an unparalleled experience for those looking to deepen their understanding of traditional and contemporary design.

Why Morocco?

Morocco is a melting pot of influences, where Berber, Arab, and French colonial elements blend seamlessly. From the bustling medinas and souks of Marrakech to the serene landscapes of the Atlas Mountains, Morocco’s architecture tells a story of cultural fusion and artistic mastery. This journey is not just a tour; it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the inspiration that Moroccan design offers.


  • Guided Tours of Historic Sites: Explore the iconic landmarks such as the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, the Bahia Palace in Marrakech, and the ancient city of Fez. Our expert guides will provide insights into the historical and cultural significance of these architectural marvels.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Participate in hands-on workshops that delve into the intricacies of Moroccan design, including tile work (zellige), plaster carving (tadelakt), and traditional woodwork. Learn from master artisans and gain practical skills to incorporate into your own designs.
  • Exclusive Access to Private Residences and Riads: Visit beautifully restored riads and private homes that exemplify Moroccan interior design. These visits offer a rare glimpse into the traditional and contemporary adaptations of Moroccan aesthetics.
  • Networking Opportunities: Meet fellow interior designers, architects, and artisans. Share ideas, collaborate on future projects, and expand your professional network in an inspiring setting.
  • Cultural Immersion: Experience the rich cultural heritage of Morocco through its cuisine, music, and traditions. Enjoy authentic Moroccan meals, participate in local festivals, and explore the vibrant souks.